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bullet gif
Hydrozoans are mostly marine, though a few are freshwater (Hydra).

bullet gif Hydrozoans may be solitary or colonial. Most hydrozoan species have both a polyp and medusa stage, but others make use of only one or the other.


bullet gif Other Hydrozoan is the Portuguese man-of-war (colony of polyps and medusa). The sting (nematocyst) from their tentacles is potentially dangerous to humans and often is lethal.

nematocyst animation gif

bullet gif The Portuguese Man of War is often confused with a jellyfish, which is incorrect since it has no means of propulsion and is pushed by the winds and the current. The medusa form of Hydrozoans are known as hydromedusae.

portuguese man-of-war

Portuguese man-of-war
Source: Wikipedia



bullet gif Freshwater and sessile hydra exists only as polyps


bullet gif Hydra is a predator and eats small crustaceans, insect larvae, and annelid worms.




