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Class Scyphozoa


bullet gif Scyphozoans are marine invertebrates, and can be found in every ocean in the world, and contains about 200 species, which mostly appear as medusae (jellyfish).

bullet gif Although Scyphozoans have both asexual polyps and sexual medusa stages in their life cycles, medusa stage is dominant in the life cycle of this group

bullet gif Their digestive system is incomplete since the same orifice (mouth) is used to take in food and expel waste.

bullet gif Tentacles carry poisons that cause severe pain or death. Each tentacle is covered with cells called cnidocytes, that can sting or kill other animals. Most jellyfish use these cells to secure prey or for defense

jellyfish gif


development stages of jellyfish gif

The developmental stages of jellyfish


Ventral view of a Jellyfish


jellyfish on a beach

Jellyfish on a beach


